Infrastructure Needs to Think Local

Infrastructure Needs to Think Local

View as PDF Originally Appeared in PEI Infrastructure Investor, December 2020 Citizen-centric investment and development will empower communities to rebuild more sustainably post-covid and to respond to new opportunities emerging from the shifting global economy,...
Infrastructure Needs to Think Local

No Turning Back: Five Paths to Sustainability

View as PDF Originally Appeared in PEI Infrastructure Investor, November 2020 ESG implications are changing infrastructure development and investing, stakeholder engagement and how we define purpose beyond returns, says InstarAGF chief operating officer and senior...
Infrastructure Needs to Think Local

Interrupting the COVID Echo

Author: Gregory Smith, President and CEO, September 2020 COVID-19 has posed unprecedented health and economic challenges for nations, businesses, communities and families. The human impact is immeasurable, with more than 29 million cases of the virus and 929,000...
Infrastructure Needs to Think Local

Building a Culture of Long-term Resiliency

View as PDF This pandemic has created an unprecedented situation for companies around the world. What is InstarAGF’s primary focus through this period of challenge and change? In our experience, a company’s ability to successfully navigate any period of change...
Infrastructure Needs to Think Local

How Connectivity Builds Stronger Teams

View as PDF Author: Stephen Simpson, Partner, July 2020 Fostering a strong, collaborative working environment with a focus on mentorship and knowledge-sharing is central to InstarAGF’s corporate culture and is crucial to our success. Our internship program...